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Help families of limited income who may be in crisis and unable to provide a holiday meal or gifts for their children.

How does Adopt-a-Family work?

For the holidays, local social service agencies and Windham area schools refer families of limited income who are experiencing a crisis, which makes it impossible for them to provide a holiday meal or gifts for their children.

We match those families with people like you who wish to “adopt” them. You choose the family size, provide a gift card for the holiday meal and gifts for each family member in the household, and determine with the family whether gifts will be delivered to WAIM or their home.

How To Adopt a Family:

1. Getting Started

As a donor you:

  • Choose the size of the family you wish to “adopt.” (Between 2-8 members).
  • Provide a gift card to a local supermarket for the family to purchase items for a holiday meal.
  • Decide whether to deliver gifts and gift card directly to your family or drop them off at WAIM for pick up by the family.
  • Purchase a reasonable number of gifts per family member. We suggest spending no more than $50 per member.
  • May adopt as many families as you wish!

2. Submitting an Application

  • Email it to
  • Drop it off at WAIM, 866 Main St., Willimantic, Tuesday- Friday between 9 am-4 pm, Sat 9-12 pm
  • Mail it to:

P.O. Box 221
Willimantic, CT 06226

3. Receiving a Family

  • As soon as referring agencies and schools send us a family that matches your family size request and any other request you have made.
  • Typically, most donors and families will be matched by the beginning of December.
  • When you receive your family’s info, promptly call the caseworker or the family to get more specific help, ideas, or directions. You will receive contact information for both.

4. Making your Delivery

  • Home delivery is mutually decided by you and the family but no later than the 3rd week in December.
  • WAIM drop-off is at
    • 866 Main Street, Willimantic
    • Main Entrance - at the ramp, ring the doorbell
    • Deliveries will not be accepted at the loading dock.

Additional Questions?

Contact Kristin Fortier at 860-456-7270 X 105 or by email at

Other Seasonal Programs

Gifts for Teens

Gifts for Teens is the area’s only program that provides funds to ensure that teenagers from struggling families receive a gift for the holidays.

For Kids Only

WAIM provides an opportunity for children ages 5-12 to select a holiday gift for a parent, guardian, or adult caregiver.

Back to School (BTS)
Uniform Registration

Eligible families can register their children to receive school uniforms or a voucher for the purchase of a uniform for those attending kindergarten through eighth grade.